[color=#42a6c6][size=3]Training Program Opportunity (Technical Skills & Freelancing)[/size][/color] [color=#000000][size=2]Women's Affairs Center (WAC) is a [/size][/color][color=#000000][size=2]women knowledge- based center playing an innovative and catalytic role in empowering women and advocating women's rights and gender equality in the Palestinian sustainable development process. [/size][/color] [color=#000000][size=2]Accordingly, the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Incubator of the Women's Affairs Center aims to support the creation of income-generating opportunities for young females to leverage employment opportunities among vulnerable female youth through skills building to advance female employability skills in freelancing fields, offering them employment opportunities to apply the acquired knowledge and skills by improving the freelancing skills among the targeted beneficiaries and obtaining a sustainable income source through working online .[/size][/color] [color=#000000][size=2]The ICT incubator seeks to create employment opportunities and participates in creating offer and demand in the fields of freelancing and entrepreneurs’ innovation, through the provision of support to young female graduates in acquiring digital skills and competencies required to compete in the labor market.[/size][/color] [color=#42a6c6][size=2]In 2023, the ICT incubator od WAC will target the female graduates to receive the technical training on 4 of the most in demand freelancing related tracks:[/size][/color] [ol] [li][color=#000000][size=2]Search Engine Optimization(SEO) and E-commerce Stores Management.[/size][/color][/li] [li][color=#000000][size=2]Graphic Design.[/size][/color][/li] [li][color=#000000][size=2]Voice Over and [/size][/color][color=#000000][size=2]Video Montage.[/size][/color][/li] [li][color=#000000][size=2]Search Engine Marketing (SEM)[/size][/color][/li] [/ol] [color=#42a6c6][size=2]The training program will also include:[/size][/color] [ul] [li][color=#000000][size=2]Digital [/size][/color][color=#000000][size=2]Security Training [/size][/color][color=#000000][size=2]Soft skills and English for [/size][/color][color=#000000][size=2]Business Training, and [/size][/color][color=#000000][size=2]Freelancing and Social Media [/size][/color][color=#000000][size=2]Channels Training which enabling them to enhance their ICT and freelancing [/size][/color][color=#000000][size=2]related skills to access market opportunities.[/size][/color][/li] [li][color=#000000][size=2]The training stage will be followed by a full cycle of coaching and mentorship services, by which females are enabled to generate income over freelance channels. Through this stage, female freelancers enjoy holistic advisory service that is designed to stepping toward the goal of engaging with e-work jobs and achieving income.[/size][/color][/li] [/ul] [color=#42a6c6][size=2]Eligibility:[/size][/color] [color=#000000][size=2]This announcement seeks requests to meet the following selection criteria:[/size][/color] [ul] [li][color=#000000][size=2]Age between 20 to 40 years’ old,[/size][/color][/li] [li][color=#000000][size=2]She holds bachelor's degree, diploma or Technical and Vocational Education [/size][/color][color=#000000][size=2]and Training (TVET) and has a fundamental background about the proposed [/size][/color][color=#000000][size=2]technical training tracks, preferred in the ICT fields and interested in the [/size][/color][color=#000000][size=2]chosen training topics,[/size][/color][/li] [li][color=#000000][size=2]Applicants must clearly state their need and prospects for joining the [/size][/color][color=#000000][size=2]training program,[/size][/color][/li] [li][color=#000000][size=2]Very good English skills, and[/size][/color][/li] [li][color=#000000][size=2]Unemployed, proactive and eager to enter the workforce.[/size][/color][/li] [/ul] [color=#42a6c6][size=2]The deadline to submit an application[/size][/color][color=#000000][size=2] is Sunday, February 12, at 11:59 pm.[/size][/color] [color=#000000][size=2]For any further information please contact us at[/size][/color] [color=#000000][size=2]Email: ictwac22@gmail.com[/size][/color] [color=#000000][size=2]Mobile No.: 0592336157[/size][/color] [color=#000000][size=2]Facebook Page: [url=https://www.facebook.com/WACICT]WAC ICT- G TechWomen Lead[/url][/size][/color]

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