[color=#42a6c6][size=3]People at Work Competition In association with Photocrowd[/size][/color] [size=2][color=#42a6c6]What is Photocrowd?[/color][/size] [ul] [li][color=#000000][color=#000000][size=2]A global community of photographers, of all levels and interests[/size][/color][/color][/li] [li][color=#000000][color=#000000][size=2]Home to some of the most prestigious photo awards on the planet[/size][/color][/color][/li] [li][color=#000000][color=#000000][size=2]A place to enter an array of great photo contests, prized by well known brands[/size][/color][/color][/li] [li][color=#000000][color=#000000][size=2]An opportunity to run your own Community Contest, on any theme[/size][/color][/color][/li] [li][color=#000000][color=#000000][size=2]The chance to have your work seen by photographers around the world[/size][/color][/color][/li] [/ul] [size=2][color=#42a6c6][font=Bariol, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Brief[/font] [/color][color=#000000]Portraiture is often seen as a way to show someone’s true nature, or at least some aspect of it, but portraits or documentary imagery in the workplace are not necessarily as straightforward. Within that context what is being shown of the subject? On a practical level it might give insight into what their work is, and where they spend their time, but to what extent does that context also add to our cloud our understanding of the individual? We have all had that experience of working somewhere that we feel constrains us and stifles our ‘real’ personality.[/color] [color=#42a6c6]Benefits:[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#000000]This Premium Contest is worth 3x the standard points towards your [/color][url=https://www.photocrowd.com/photographer-community/][color=#000000]Leaderboard[/color][/url][color=#000000] ranking. It’s Expert-judged, but with no Crowd vote. Find out more about ranking points [/color][url=https://support.photocrowd.com/article/32-what-is-the-leaderboard][color=#000000]here[/color][/url][color=#000000]. Our Experts are some of the world’s finest photographers, who select the best images, and provide valuable feedback to help you improve.[/color][/size]

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