[color=#42a6c6][size=3]Global Shapers - Birzeit Hub [/size][/color] [size=2][color=#000000]Birzeit hub believes in making an impact by collaboratively sparking and developing unique solutions and ‎new ideas to the world's most critical concerns, by focusing on capacity building for the youth and integrating them with international communities.‎[/color] [color=#000000]Ready to become a Birzeit Shaper? [/color] [color=#42a6c6]If you match the following criteria, we encourage you to apply to join the Global Shapers Birzeit Hub:[/color][/size] [ul] [li][size=2][color=#000000]Between 18-27 years old.[/color][/size][/li] [li][color=#000000][size=2]They welcome individuals who are residents of or living close to Birzeit.[/size][/color][/li] [li][color=#000000][size=2]They are looking for passionate individuals who are interested in making a positive impact by solving local, regional, or international challenges.[/size][/color][/li] [li][color=#000000][size=2]They believe that everyone has the potential to become a great leader and they are excited to help you develop your leadership skills, so you should have an interest in enhancing your leadership skills.[/size][/color][/li] [li][color=#000000][size=2]They are looking for individuals who are eager to lend a helping hand and make meaningful connections with fellow Shapers.[/size][/color][/li] [/ul] [color=#000000][size=2]The community is built on a culture of support and growth, and they encourage their members to support each other in their personal and professional development.[/size][/color] [color=#000000][size=2]If you are a passionate, active young individual, Join them now as a shaper and help shape a brighter future for our youth![/size][/color] [size=2] [color=#42a6c6]Our advice:[/color][/size][color=#000000][size=2] make sure that the criteria fit you before proceeding!![/size][/color]

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