The Palestinian Prime Minister's Office has launched a challenge to attract ideas and solutions that contribute to strengthening food-agricultural value chains to reduce unemployment rates among young people by integrating them in an effective and sustainable way in developing food systems in the State of Palestine [u][b][color=#42a6c6]The technological models that the solutions address in this challenge can be divided as follows:[/color][/b][/u] -Agricultural technology (animal or vegetable) -Food technology (raw materials or finished products) -Logistics technology (food and non-food items, especially refrigeration) -Packaging technology -Retail technology -Biotechnology The focus of the challenge is to search for proven models for engaging young people in agro-food value chains and support economic disintegration plans by supporting existing and new nutritional value chains with technology and services and enhancing the sustainability of local food systems. For more information: [url=]click here[/url]

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