[color=#00c1ff][size=5][b]The Continuing Education Center at Birzeit University invites you to register for the "Data Analysis Strategies for the Success of Startups"[/b][/size][/color] training program.  The program is aimed at entrepreneurial startup owners or those seeking to establish new companies.   Components of the training program: ✔️ Data: what and why? ✔️ Data - logical and analytical thinking ✔️ Business process diagrams Sort, sort, clean, and filter data ✔️ Data analysis strategies and their applications to the business plan Represent data in meaningful ways Data management and data ethics ✔️ Show data in a story way Final application projects * ️⃣ Program cost: the program will be free (that each program member pays a $ 100 fee, which will be recovered upon completion of all the training program requirements). * ️⃣ The deadline for submitting applications is 3/6/2021 To register, through the link: https://forms.gle/nGQpWmTgWwz8r5WC9 For inquiries and more information, you can call: 0595878214

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